The traditional mass production method that used in zipper sector has unfulfilled the needs of customers and society. With the fact of globalization, customers’ needs has increased and diversified. Correspondingly, production technology and business management methods also have changed. Roza Zipper constantly adjusts its production technology and business management method appropriately in accordance to these changes in order to meet the dynamic demand of the sector.

Small amount order, lags in delivery, lack of skill workers, low productivity and usage of inputs of poor quality mainly are most important production problems in Turkish zipper sector. Roza Zipper with its efficient, dynamic and productive production and managerial structure produces different products for different customers’ needs in required amount and quality in very short time. Zipper production consists of approximately 20-25 business processes. Roza used total quality management method in its zipper production process. Each process is subjected to predetermined quality tests and standards. The unwanted effect of the process that does not fulfill the requirements of our standards or has negative tests results on final product is hindered. Roza Zipper has solved the mentioned production problems of the zipper sector by its efficient, dynamic and productive production and management method. This is our basic difference in the sector.

Our production and management method is the result of our operation philosophy that targets to maximize the existed utility among Roza, customer and society. For customers this materialized in the form of quality production and products. Our brand and quality become synonymous in the customers’ eye. For a healthy and prosperous society, we designed our production and management activities in such a form that can produce added values for society. In short, our difference is procuring the maximization of the reciprocal existed utility among Roza, customer and society. This difference is the result of our efficient, dynamic and productive production and management method.

As long as there are quality consumers, ROZA will exist.